On Feb. 18, Timber Creek’s TAFE competed at the Arlington State Competition. Kaity Rainwater will be continuing onto the National competition. The following people brought home awards.

Faith Kelly-State Historian

Kaity Rainwater-Student of the Year and Top Five/National Qualifier-Lesson Plan-STEM

Jazmin Acosta-Gold-Portfolio

Siomara Salas-Silver-Portfolio

Siomara Salas and Jazmin Acosta-Blue Ribbon-Project Visualize-Service

Cally Hodges and Ashlee Rusler- Blue Ribbon-Bulletin Board

Kayley Brady-Estes and Rachel Scherer-Red Ribbon-Project Visualize-Appreciation

Kaity Rainwater and Sarah Marburger-Red Ribbon-Project Visualize-Fundraising

Faith Kelly, Sydney Chapdelaine, Siomara Salas and Jazmin Acosta- Red Ribbon-Chapter Scrapbook