One giant step for man, one giant leap for Timber Creek student, Alexis Bacon.
The TCHS senior and her dad flew to Washington DC for Donald Trump’s inauguration at the end of January. The ceremony took place on Jan. 20 and had an estimated total of 193,000 in attendance and was viewed by 37.8 million people around the world, according to Heavy.
“It was actually pretty exciting. It made you feel like you were a little more important than the average person,” Bacon said.
In order to receive tickets to the event, people can contact their local state representative and request them. Bacon explained that her dad called Texas Senator Ted Cruz once the election results were in. The pair left for the capital on Jan. 15 and stayed until Jan. 21. The inauguration took place on Friday, Jan. 20, along with many protests in Washington D.C. The crowd may have been smaller than other inaugurations in the past, but the crowds were still rowdy.
“There were instances when Hillary or Obama came out and people began booing,” said Bacon, “The crowd started chanting ‘We want Trump, We want Trump’ and whenever Trump came out there was a huge uproar.”
On the other side of the crowd, were the protesters who surrounded the ceremony. Many of the attendees had to walk through them to go in and out of the ceremony facing judgmental stares and reading signs that say “Impeach Trump” and others that called the Trump supporters racists and bigots.
“So many people were giving my dad dirty stares,” recalled Bacon, “While they didn’t lash out, I was almost expecting them to. They gave off a hostile vibe.”
Overall, the trip was an experience she won’t forget.
“There were people from all around the world there. My dad even got interviewed by an Australian news reporter,” said Bacon, “This really is a global event, America is such a great influence on the rest of the world. I’m so glad and so thankful for the tickets we got and to be able to go.”