Sixteen films created by Timber Creek Student Media students have qualified for finals in the 9th Annual Keller ISD Film Festival.

The films range from documentaries to class-produced hype videos and include over two dozen TCHS student filmmakers.

Students in Advanced Broadcast Journalism, A/V Production, and Animation classes — including some that travel to Keller Center for Advanced Learning — qualified for finals.

Here’s a list of the TCHS Students and film titles that qualified. Click this link to see the full list and watch the films from all finalists.

“The Choir Cookie Caper Catastrophe”
Tim Carrier
Jackson Thibodeaux
Madison Galer

“Things Students Never Say on the First Day of School”
Abby Greiner
James Drain
Meredith Stuart
Hope Feuling

“Europe 2017”
Mackenzie Panganiban

“Massacring Europe: The Black Death”
Jacob Hartnett

“Modern Love”
Abby Greiner
Meredith Stuart
Madison Gayler
Spencer Muskopf

“TCHS Theatre Presents: Grease”
Abby Greiner
Frankie Lopez
Ashley Nagel

Michael Polinick
Dylan Spears
Caitlyn Dye
(Keller Center for Advanced Learning)

“No Outlet”
Jacob Hartnett
Jamison Simmons

“The Lights Outside”
Jackson Fowler
(Keller Center for Advanced Learning)

“Juju on that TCTV”

“Timber Creek High School Hype”

“The Choir Cookie Caper Catastrophe”
Tim Carrier
Jackson Thibodeaux
Madison Galer

“Things Students Never Say on the First Day of School”
Abby Greiner
James Drain
Meredith Stuart
Hope Feuling
Cydnie Jones
Luisa Caro
Dailynn Miller
(Includes students from Central High School, Keller Center for Advanced Learning)

“Hope for the Holidays”
Abby Greiner
Spencer Muskopf
Casey Akers
Tim Carrier

“Timeline of an Opioid User”
Jabraiya Holman
Lainie Dickey
Sarah Mendoza
(Includes students from Central High School, Keller Center for Advanced Learning)