Drama Club: The monthly meeting for Drama Club will be on Friday, Dec. 1 after school.

Rugby Club: The Rugby Club will have a meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 29, from 4:15 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in room N223. They will be discussing their upcoming seasonal matches, recruiting efforts for the girls’ team, and our goals for the season. All students are invited reguardless of experience. For more information contact Victoria Ramos at (682)-202-0075.

GSA: The weekly meeting for GSA will be Thursday, Nov. 30, from 3:50 p.m. to 4:50 p.m. in room C120.

Archery Club: The archery club weekly meeting will be on Wednesday, Nov. 29, after school. It will be in the upstairs competition gym and is always open to all students.

Need a club meeting announced? Please e-mail tips@timbercreektalon.com