Timber Creek will host the first pep rally of the 2018-2019 school year on Sept. 7, 2018 — but that’s not everything you need to know. Read on to find out.
What even is a Pep Rally?
Pep Rallies are designed to pump up school spirit at Timber Creek. They feature performances from Cheer, Band, Sky Dancers, and others, plus share information and spirit for our sports teams in each season. They’re also a fantastic way to learn the cheers, chants, songs, and spirit themes for each week.
When do they happen?
TCHS will have pep rallies on the following dates in 2018-2019:
Friday, Sept. 7, 2018 — Gold Out Pep Rally
Friday, Sept. 21, 2018 — UNT Ambassador Pep Rally
Friday, Oct. 5, 2018 — Lights Out (Black Light) Pep Rally
KCAL Students will attend KCAL at the normal times.
What happens when it’s Pep Rally time?
There will be an announcement to release students from their classrooms to head to the Main Gym or Cafeteria. Students in the Main Gym will be able to witness all the fun and spirit of the Pep Rally in person, while students in the Cafeteria will watch a live feed of the pep rally from TCTV.
Those students in the Main Gym should use this seating chart to help them know where to go.
Live feed? Really?
Believe it or not, there are so many students at Timber Creek that they often don’t all fit into the Main Gym. That’s part of the reason we offer a live feed to the cafeteria for overflow and for those who can’t attend the Pep Rally, but still want to join in on the fun. You can even watch remotely at this link: https://www.youtube.com/c/Timbercreektalon/live
What do we do at the Pep Rally?
Show your spirit! Stand the whole time, cheer and shout, participate in chants and songs and have fun! We’d encourage you to be respectful while your student leaders and team representatives are talking on the microphone (so everyone can hear…) but don’t be afraid to raise your voice during the Victory Cheer or Alma Mater.
Victory? Alma Mater? I don’t know these things…
We’ll teach you! (With some help from Student Council)
What happens after the Pep Rally?
You’ll be dismissed to leave school after the Pep Rally has completed. Yearbook photographers, TCTV videographers and others will have a recap of the Pep Rally proceedings, often on the same day! Check out the gallery below for lots of examples from pep rallies in the past…
Photos from the Sept. 8, 2017 “Lights Out” pep rally. (Photo by Marisa Harris.)
Photos from the Sept. 8, 2017 “Lights Out” pep rally. (Photo by Taylor Deker.)
Photos from the Sept. 8, 2017 “Lights Out” pep rally. (Photo by Taylor Deker.)
Photos from the Sept. 8, 2017 “Lights Out” pep rally. (Photo by Taylor Deker.)
Photos from the Sept. 8, 2017 “Lights Out” pep rally. (Photo by Taylor Deker.)
Photos from the Sept. 8, 2017 “Lights Out” pep rally. (Photo by Taylor Deker.)
Photos from the Sept. 8, 2017 “Lights Out” pep rally. (Photo by Taylor Deker.)
Photos from the Sept. 8, 2017 “Lights Out” pep rally. (Photo by Taylor Deker.)
Photos from the Sept. 8, 2017 “Lights Out” pep rally. (Photo by Taylor Deker.)
Photos from the Sept. 8, 2017 “Lights Out” pep rally. (Photo by Marisa Harris.)
Photos from the Sept. 8, 2017 “Lights Out” pep rally. (Photo by Marisa Harris.)
Photos from the Sept. 8, 2017 “Lights Out” pep rally. (Photo by Marisa Harris.)
Photos from the Sept. 15, 2016 Homecoming Pep Rally. (Photo by The Creek Yearbook photographer Mason Chavez.)
Photos from the Sept. 15, 2016 Homecoming Pep Rally. (Photo by The Creek Yearbook photographer Mason Chavez.)
Photos from the Sept. 15, 2016 Homecoming Pep Rally. (Photo by The Creek Yearbook photographer Alexa Evan.)
Photos from the Sept. 15, 2016 Homecoming Pep Rally. (Photo by The Creek Yearbook photographer Amanda Barber.)
Photos from the Sept. 15, 2016 Homecoming Pep Rally. (Photo by The Creek Yearbook photographer Amanda Barber.)
Photos from the Sept. 15, 2016 Homecoming Pep Rally. (Photo by The Creek Yearbook photographer Amanda Barber.)
Photos from Oct. 29, 2015 Senior Pep Rally. (Photos by The Creek Yearbook photographer Phil Oliveira.)
Photos from Oct. 29, 2015 Senior Pep Rally. (Photos by The Creek Yearbook photographer Phil Oliveira.)
Photos from Oct. 29, 2015 Senior Pep Rally. (Photos by The Creek Yearbook photographer Phil Oliveira.)
Photos from Oct. 29, 2015 Senior Pep Rally. (Photos by The Creek Yearbook photographer Phil Oliveira.)
Photos from Oct. 29, 2015 Senior Pep Rally. (Photos by The Creek Yearbook photographer Phil Oliveira.)
Photos from Oct. 29, 2015 Senior Pep Rally. (Photos by The Creek Yearbook photographer Phil Oliveira.)
Photos from Oct. 29, 2015 Senior Pep Rally. (Photos by The Creek Yearbook photographer Phil Oliveira.)
Photos from Oct. 29, 2015 Senior Pep Rally. (Photos by The Creek Yearbook photographer Phil Oliveira.)
Photos from Oct. 29, 2015 Senior Pep Rally. (Photos by The Creek Yearbook photographer Phil Oliveira.)
Photos from Oct. 29, 2015 Senior Pep Rally. (Photos by The Creek Yearbook photographer Phil Oliveira.)
Photos from Oct. 29, 2015 Senior Pep Rally. (Photos by The Creek Yearbook photographer Milly Orellana.)
Photos from Oct. 29, 2015 Senior Pep Rally. (Photos by The Creek Yearbook photographer Milly Orellana.)
Photos from Oct. 29, 2015 Senior Pep Rally. (Photos by The Creek Yearbook photographer Milly Orellana.)
Photos from Oct. 29, 2015 Senior Pep Rally. (Photos by The Creek Yearbook photographer Milly Orellana.)
Photos from Oct. 29, 2015 Senior Pep Rally. (Photos by The Creek Yearbook photographer Milly Orellana.)
Photos from Oct. 29, 2015 Senior Pep Rally. (Photos by The Creek Yearbook photographer Milly Orellana.)
Photos from Oct. 29, 2015 Senior Pep Rally. (Photos by The Creek Yearbook photographer Milly Orellana.)
Photos from the Oct. 16, 2015 Lights Out pep rally from The Creek Yearbook photographer Sabrina Trejo.
Photos from the Oct. 16, 2015 Lights Out pep rally from The Creek Yearbook photographer Sabrina Trejo.
Photos from the Oct. 16, 2015 Lights Out pep rally from The Creek Yearbook photographer Sabrina Trejo.
Photos from the Oct. 16, 2015 Lights Out pep rally from The Creek Yearbook photographer Sabrina Trejo.
Photos from the Oct. 16, 2015 Lights Out pep rally from The Creek Yearbook photographer Sabrina Trejo.
Photos from the Oct. 16, 2015 Lights Out pep rally from The Creek Yearbook photographer Sabrina Trejo.
Photos from the Oct. 16, 2015 Lights Out pep rally from The Creek Yearbook photographer Sabrina Trejo.
Photos from the Oct. 16, 2015 Lights Out pep rally from The Creek Yearbook photographer Sabrina Trejo.
Photos from the Oct. 16, 2015 Lights Out pep rally from The Creek Yearbook photographer Sabrina Trejo.
Photos from the Oct. 16, 2015 Lights Out pep rally from The Creek Yearbook photographer Sabrina Trejo.
Coach Morgan kisses a goat during the Feb. 13, 2015 pep rally. (Photo by The Creek Yearbook photographer Sabrina Trejo)
Mr. Day kisses a goat during the Feb. 13, 2015 pep rally. (Photo by The Creek Yearbook photographer Sabrina Trejo)
The TCHS Sky Dancers perform at the Oct. 3, 2014 pep rally. (Photo by The Creek Yearbook photographer Grace Nakajima.)
TCHS Sky Dancers perform a glowing dance routine during the “Blackout” blacklight pep rally, Nov. 7, 2014. (Photo by The Creek Yearbook photographer Sabrina Trejo.)
THCS Choir students sing during a Sept. 2014 pep rally. (Photo by The Creek Yearbook photographer Robert Samudio)