Through Oct. 31, students may preorder their yearbooks for only $65 at Beginning Nov. 1 and through the beginning of January, the cost of the books will increase to $85.

All yearbook portraits for grades 9 through 12 will be posted in the school sometime soon. The exact location and day will be announced; however, in years prior these photos have been posted on the columns outside of the Fine Arts Center. All students are asked to confirm their photo is with the correct grade and name is spelled correctly.

Seniors, if the photo you see is not the image you chose, don’t panic, see yearbook supervisor, Kathy Beers in room N202.

Senior Yearbook Tributes, more commonly known as senior ads, are also due online by Oct. 31 at To purchase for current prices, all images and text are due by the Oct. 31 deadline. See The Creek Yearbook Facebook page for prices, more information, and tips to make your senior tribute shine.

Not going to make the Senior Tribute deadline? The website will reopen Nov. 1 through Nov. 14, however .

The 2020 Creek Yearbook’s theme is ‘It’s Not Always Simple.’ The theme highlights the issues of self-identification in a large and complicated high school, while celebrating uniqueness. Additionally, the theme focuses on the details that not everyone sees for clubs, teams, students, faculty, and more. Click here to learn more about the yearbook theme.