In an email sent out by KISD on February 4th, students are now able to change their form of learning for the final semester. Students are able to go from Online to In-Person, as well as from In-Person to Online as seen best fit by their family.

“Families interested in changing their student’s instructional choice from In-Person Instruction to Remote Instruction or from Remote Instruction to In-Person Instruction can do so by filling out a form in the Aeries Student/Parent Portal now through February 11. 

Only families that want to change from In-Person Instruction to Remote Instruction or from Remote Instruction to In-Person Instruction need to submit the Instructional Choice Change Request Form. All other families remaining with their current instructional choice can disregard this process. “

For Students such as junior Jackson Byrd, moving from online to in-person is a long-awaited change. After being in quarantine for months, Byrd looked to get back in the classroom as soon as possible.

“I’ve always preferred to be in person, as being online is full of outside distractions and lack of social interaction” Byrd said. “I think that the school is a pretty safe place with the current way it’s being run, but you can never be too cautious. However, with the vaccination, masks, and social distancing, I’m finally ready to make the leap and go back on foot. “

On the contrary, Students such as senior Sydney Shoemaker look forward to finishing the year online.

“I decided to move online for the last 9 weeks because honestly, I have come to find that I’m much more comfortable at home. When we first switched to online last spring I really didn’t like doing school online! I think senioritis may have shifted my opinion on the idea of staying home.” Shoemaker said.

“I feel really great transitioning to online! I think it’s the best decision for me right now. I feel like my teachers do a great job co-seating their classes so I feel comfortable shifting learning styles! “

As the wacky 2020 – 2021 school year comes to a close, students & families are advised to take this final semester in what is deemed appropriate for their situation.

To find out how to change your instruction, click here.