From dances to parades, carnivals and theme days, here’s Everything You Need to Know About Timber Creek Homecoming for 2021.
Really Quick Overview
Homecoming Parade and Carnival – Monday, Sept. 13
Homecoming Pep Rally and Game – Thursday, Sept. 16
Homecoming Dance – Saturday, Sept. 18
Court Nominations – Sept. 7 and 8
Court Voting – Sept. 14 and 15
Staff Crowning – Sept. 16 at Pep Rally
Senior Crowning – Sept. 16 at Football Halftime
Underclassman Crowning – Sept. 18 at Dance
Week of Sept. 7-10
Homecoming prep starts even before Homecoming Week, of course, and students will have the chance to start getting into the sweet spirit as early as Sept. 7.
On Sept. 7 and 8, Timber Creek Cheer will begin selling tickets to the Sept. 18 Homecoming Dance to SENIORS only. Tickets for non-Seniors will begin going on sale Thursday, Sept. 9 and continue until sold out.
Tickets will be $20 and on sale outside the Fine Arts Center during lunches. There is a maximum amount of tickets that will be sold to the ONE dance from 7 to 10 p.m. on Sept. 18, 2021. Students must keep their ticket once purchased to access the dance. There’s more information about this in the Dance section below…
Also on Sept. 7 and 8, students cast their nominations for Homecoming Court during lunches. See the nominees in the next section.
Homecoming T-Shirts are being sold by Timber Creek Cheer for $20 per shirt. Pre-orders start Sept. 3 and will run through Sept. 12. T-shirts will be delivered the week of Sept. 13, plus any extras will be available for sale. Last run of Cheer shirts for St. Jude sold out, so buy quickly!
Here’s the link to the pre-sale:
Take a look at the shirts in this flyer below:

Week of Sept. 13-18
Monday, Sept. 13 kicks off Timber Creek Homecoming week with the annual parade and carnival. There are also themed dress-up days throughout the week, including the official Homecoming Pep Rally and Game day on Sept. 16. Finally, the Homecoming Dance ends the week’s festivities on Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021.
Homecoming Court Nominees and Voting
On Sept. 7 and 8, Timber Creek students cast their nominations for Homecoming Court. Voting on these nominees will be on Tuesday, Sept. 14 and Wednesday, Sept. 15 during lunches.
Use this link to get to the Court Voting:
2021 Homecoming Court Nominees

Senior Female Nominees
Kacey Testerman
Sydney Baker
Natalee Nelson
Lilly Grimes
Emma Margason
Senior Male Nominees
Josh Compton
Jacob Porter
Ethan Hyatt
Kyle Zalick
Alex Hernandez
Get to know the Senior HoCo Court Nominees in this article:

Junior Female Nominees
Kamryn Nusbaumer
Emily Stansberger
Jordan Hauser
Anna Handelsman
Jasmin Jimenez
Junior Male Nominees
Tyler Carson
Braxton Garcia
Brody Gaskill
Isaac Bach
Bryson Coffey

Sophomore Female Nominees
Lena Rock
Daijah Brown
Sadie Hutchinson
Claudia Birch
Irelan Gomez
Sophomore Male Nominees
Jack Sands
William Heady
Dorian Crutchfield
Jake Tennison
Joshua Fleitas

Freshman Female Nominees
Angelina Marin
Isabella Baker
Isabella Williams
Madeline Lorenz
Piper Cowart
Freshman Male Nominees
Zane Shields
Carson Porter
Easton Justice
Joshua Ziegler
Matteo Lombardi

Staff Female Nominees
Lindsey Harris
Lara Rogers
Beth Brentlinger
Alisha Fickle
Christine Handlon
Staff Male Nominees
Daniel Malacon
James Barnes
Chad Mason
Jesus Zamora
Coleman Roach
Homecoming Parade and Carnival – Monday, Sept. 13, 2021
Timber Creek’s Homecoming Parade and Carnival are back! The parade runs from 6 to 7 p.m. on Sept. 13, down Timberland Boulevard from High School Rd (East side of campus) to Old Denton Rd, then u-turned down to Grey Twig Ln (by Caprock Elementary).

5:15-5:55 Line-Up and 6:00 Parade Begins
*Groups will not be permitted to line up prior to 5:15.
Timber Creek High School
12350 Timberland Blvd.
Fort Worth, Texas 76244
Participant information:
This year’s homecoming theme will be “Super Sweet Homecoming”. We are striving to have all those involved embrace healthy competition along with good sportsmanship. Floats should include anything related to candy! There will be a U-TURN being made on Timberland Blvd., so please make sure all floats are able to make this turn before the day of the parade. No items may be thrown to the crowd. You may hand candy to spectators, but throwing is dangerous and is prohibited.
School Organizations:
All school organizations wishing to walk, perform, or participate in any fashion must fill out the Google Form on the registration page to ensure a place in the assigned line-up list. Please include numbers of people as well as a small description of your organization or groups performance or intentions.
Vehicles in Parade:
Personal vehicles may be used in the parade. Students will not be allowed to drive in the parade. All vehicles must be driven by parents, grandparents, other adult family members and KISD staff members.
Our goal is to keep all parade participants and spectators safe. If you are handing out candy or other items, please have a few students walk along the curb to pass them out. Spectators will need to stay in the grass this year.
Groups can Register here by Sept. 10
Following the Parade is the Timber Creek Carnival, featuring games, music, activities and more in the TCHS Cafeteria from after the parade through 8 p.m. The Carnival is FREE to all who’d like to attend.
Homecoming Dress Up Days
Homecoming is Super Sweet this year, with dress up days related to candy from Sept. 13-17, 2021.
Monday is Big League (Chew) Day – Wear jerseys and Timber Creek Gear
Tuesday is Right and Left Twix Day – Twin day!
Wednesday is Skittles, Taste the Rainbow – Wear bright, rainbow colors
Thursday is Timber Creek Rocks – Wear Mums and Garters, and your Timber Creek Gear
Firday is Rolo out of Bed – Wear pajamas
Check out an image version of this below:

Homecoming Dance – Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021
The Timber Creek Homecoming Dance will be from 7 to 10 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021. There is only one dance this year, with a maximum ticket amount.
Tickets are $20 per ticket and will start with a pre-sale for Seniors ONLY on Sept. 7 and 8th during lunches until 1:30 p.m. Regular Ticket Sales are available September 9th and 10th and then 13th through 17th until Sold Out. These will be available during lunches until 1:30 p.m.
To buy a ticket for a guest (attends TCHS or outside guest), students will need to bring a completed guest form (TCHS guest or non-TCHS guest). Only one guest ticket per TCHS student will be allowed.
Download a Guest Form here:
Students will get in line for verification (must know student ID and match the list)
Student names will be marked off on the master list
Students will be given a verification stamp
Then students will move to the payment line where they will get their paper tickets.
Timber Creek Cheer can take cash, check made to TC Cheer Booster Club or card.