The 2022 Mr. Falcon Pageant will be held on Friday, April 22 at 7 p.m. in the Fine Arts Center.
Tickets can be bought online at the Keller ISD Web Store under ‘Items At My Student’s School’ and ‘Class of 2022’ for $5 and a processing fee. Tickets will also be available for $5 at the FAC door, however, get there early because they are known to sell out quick.
Contestants consists of the male seniors from different programs at Timber Creek. Ambassadors are senior ladies chosen by the Senior Class. Both groups will be wearing sponsored tuxes and dresses from Men’s Wearhouse and We’re All About That Dress.
Contestants and Ambassadors of this beauty pageant are raising money for Operation Smile. Operation Smile is a nonprofit organization that funds surgeries to fix cleft lips and cleft palates. All proceeds will go towards the organization. Contestants and Ambassadors will be accepting donations throughout the week. Patrons will be able to donate during the show.
The following contestants are in numerical order of how they will come out in the event:
Contestant #1: Trey Griffith

Contestant #2: Seth Burnette

Contestant #3: JC Luna

Contestant #4: Ethan Hyatt

Contestant #5: Adrian Melendez

Contestant #6: Leo Luna

Contestant #7: Asher Wilkinson

Contestant #8: Jaxson Pressinger

Contestant #9: Evan Marsh

Contestant #10: Matthew Estrada

Emcees of the night is the Senior Class Historian and Vice President, Tisha Shrestha and Sudheshna Khadka. These ladies will the broadcasters for the show, keeping us entertained between each contestant they announce. They will also be wearing dresses from We’re All About That Dress.
Three awards will be given at the Mr. Falcon Pageant: Mr. Falcon, Miss Congeniality, and Falcon Favorite.