AP Students, your tests are coming up soon! Here’s everything you need to know about the 2022 AP Testing at Timber Creek High School.
You should review the AP Exam Terms and Conditions prior to testing. You will sign each answer document on test day to acknowledge your understanding and agreement.
You should decide if you would like to take advantage of the free score report send by June 20th
- Log into your CB student account.
- Look for My AP Profile, then Score Send.
- This will send a cumulative score report to the college of your choice free of charge.
- You may send scores through your CB student account later, but there will be a fee.
You should keep track of your AP ID number.
- You will have the same AP ID number for the rest of your testing career.
- You can access it in your CB student account.
- Look for My AP Profile, then Registration.
You should double check that TCHS is listed as the school you attend in your CB student account.
- Log into your CB student account.
- Look for My AP Profile, then Registration.
- Review the school listed under “School You Attend.”
You should bring the following items to the exam room:
- Several sharpened No. 2 pencils (with erasers) for completing multiple-choice answer sheets (mechanical pencils are not allowed)
- Pens with black or dark blue ink
- A current picture ID (if you do not attend TCHS)
- A watch that does not beep, does not have an alarm, and does not have internet access (in case your exam room does not have a clock that you can see easily)
- Up to two approved calculators with the necessary capabilities if you are taking an AP Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics, or Statistics Exam only (visit apstudents.org/calculators to learn more about the calculator policy for each of these exams and for a list of authorized calculators)
- A ruler or straightedge only if you are taking an AP Physics Exam (protractors are not allowed)
- A jacket in case the room is cold (dress in layers)
- Tissue
You should not bring the following to the exam room:
- Phones, smartwatches, wearable technology of any kind, laptops, tablet computers, Bluetooth devices, portable listening or recording devices—MP3 player, iPod®, etc.—cameras or photographic equipment, devices that can access the internet, separate timers of any type, and any other electronic or communication devices are prohibited in the exam room and during breaks.
- Books, compasses, mechanical pencils, colored pencils, correction fluid, dictionaries, highlighters, or notes
- Rulers, straightedges, and protractors (except as noted above)
- Scratch paper (notes can be made on portions of the exam booklets)
- Computers or calculators (except as noted above)
- Reference guides, keyboard maps, or other typing instructions
- Watches that beep or have an alarm or smartwatches
- Food or drink
- Clipboards, ear plugs, or clothing with subject-related information
You are required to arrive ready for check-in by 7:30 a.m. for the morning administrations and 11:45 a.m. for the afternoon administrations. Please eat lunch before checking in for afternoon exams. Entry is not permitted once instructions have begun. Students may not be dismissed until an exam has officially ended. Please do not ask to leave early if you finish before the end of the exam. If you play a sport or have a job, it is your responsibility to inform your coach or employer of your AP Exam obligation and to
make arrangements accordingly.
You will receive your personalized sheet of AP ID labels before each test. These are specific to you and have been made according to the information you entered into your CB student account when you joined each teacher’s AP Classroom. If any information needs to be corrected, you must contact CB to make corrections. Students with accommodations need to check in either in the Large Gym or Lecture Hall, you will then proceed to your testing location.
Get a good night’s rest before your exam and eat a nutritious breakfast. You are allowed to bring a snack and beverage for your 10-minute break. However, food and drink are prohibited in the exam room. You are required to abide by the policies of both the College Board and Timber Creek High School during the exam period. Any misconduct will be reported and could jeopardize your AP Exam score.