STAAR/EOC testing for English 1 and English 2 students will be held on April 5 and April 7, 2022, with a unique schedule for the week and some other updates. Let’s get into it.
Testing Schedule
The week of April 4th will have a unique schedule. Monday, April 4th and Friday, April 8th will both be Even day schedules (1, 2, 4, 6, 8 Periods). Tuesday, April 5th (English 1 testing day), Wednesday, April 6th (non-testing day), and Thursday, April 7th (English 2 testing day) will ALL be Odd days. Yes, that’s unusual. Yes, that’s written correctly. Monday and Friday are Even days, Tuesday-Thursday are all Odd.
April 5th is the testing day for English 1. Testing students should arrive at 8:30 a.m to their testing rooms. (See below for testing rooms). Late arrival students will go directly to their 3rd Period at 11:45 a.m.
Testing is expected to be conducted from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. each testing day (April 5 or 7). For non-testers AND testers following the testing, this is the schedule for April 5 and April 7.
1st Period: DOES NOT MEET April 5th or 7th.
3rd Period: 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m.
5th Period: 1:05 p.m. to 2 p.m.
7th Period: 2:05 p.m. to 3 p.m.
8th Period: 3:05 p.m. to 4 p.m.
So here’s another way to look at it.
If you’re a English 1 student, on April 5, you’ll go to your testing room at 8:30 a.m., take the test until about 2 p.m., then go to your 7th period and then 8th period. On Wednesday, you’ll go to a standard schedule Odd day (1, 3, 5, 7, 8). THEN on Thursday, April 7th, as an English 1 student, you’d go to 3rd Period at 11:45 a.m. and then the rest of the alternate testing day schedule as seen above.
Swap out the plan if you’re an English 2 student, where you’d arrive late on April 5 and test on April 7th. And if you’re an English 3 or 4 student, you’re not testing at all this week, so BOTH April 5 and 7th are late arrival directly to your 3rd Period.
Testing Locations
Check out the testing rooms for English 1 testers here:
Check out the testing rooms for English 2 testers here:
However, we already know that some students will be relocating due to testing rooms used, teachers proctoring, and other testing arrangements. Students who are not testing, but are in a class that will not be meeting (like a student in an English 2 classroom, but not taking the English 2 test) will go to the Lecture Hall.
English 1 April 5 Relocations for 3rd and/or 5th Periods
English II April 7 Relocations for 3rd and/or 5th Periods
General Reminders about Testing
MOST students will be using Chromebooks for testing. PLEASE remember to bring your updated Chromebook to the testing room. There will be Chromebook carts in the hallways for backups, but please remember yours. Please. Thanks.
Also, update your Chromebook by turning it all the way off, then all the way back on as soon as possible. Make sure it’s full charged before coming for testing.
Use the following link to access STAAR online practice tests:
Dictionaries and Thesaurus can be used throughout the tests. Scratch paper, highlights, and post-it notes are allowable for students.
All electronic devices (including smart watches, cell phones, headphones, etc.) will be taken up by testing proctors before beginning the tests. They will not be released back to students until an announcement is made to proctors.
No blankets, no hoods up. Thanks.