After a year of pandemic-related event cancellations, the Timber Creek Class of 2021 has something to get together for — Prom is a go.
Prom Info – May 8
The event will be held Saturday, May 8, 2021 at River Ranch Stockyards in Fort Worth — the same location the Class of 2020 Prom was planned to be held.
Prom will be from 7 to 11 p.m. Dinner will be served from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. with the Prom King and Queen Coronation scheduled for 9 p.m. Parking at the venue is free.
Here are the specifics that you need to know:
- Tickets are not being distributed and will not be sold at the door.
- Students will check in at the entrance from our master list.
- Upon entry and check-in, students will need to show their student ID, State ID, or Driver’s License. Non-TCHS guests will need this as well. Failure to show ID will result in not being able to enter the Prom.
- “Tickets” are non-transferrable (meaning if your guest can no longer attend, you cannot take someone else in his/her place).
- To confirm you purchased a prom ticket, log in to your KellerISD webstore account and go to ‘purchase history.’
- Upon entering, only TCHS senior students will receive 1 ticket to vote for Prom King and 1 ticket to vote for Prom Queen.
- Appetizers will be available at 7:00 p.m.
- Dinner will be served from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
- Dessert stations will open at 8:00 p.m.
- Students’ purses, clutches/wallets, pockets, and bags will be checked at the door, and hand-held metal detectors will be used as well.
- Formal dress code will be enforced. Failure to comply may result in removal from the facility (absolutely no jeans or shorts are allowed).
- Limos and buses can drop students off at the entrance.
- Once checked in to Prom, students who leave for any reason will not be admitted back in. If you want to take pictures in the beautiful cactus patch/field to the west of the venue, please do so before entering Prom.
- Mask wearing is mandatory and will be enforced. An exception to this rule would be when students are eating.
- Members of the Prom Court will receive their sashes at the coronation.
- Students who purchased reserved seating and submitted their request form before the deadline will receive their table placement upon arrival.
We are looking forward to a fun, safe, and memorable evening for the Class of 2021! Please direct questions to Mrs. Boehringer at 817-744-2582 or Thank you for your attention!
Prom King and Queen
Nominations for Senior Class Prom King and Queen were conducted on Talon on April 30 and May 2. Here’s who’s nominated for the court:
Voting will happen on site of Prom.
Updates to this story – Latest update May 7
- May 7: Added last minute details for Prom like tickets, check-in, ID requirements, schedule, dress code, parking, drop-off, masks, and more.
- April 28: Shifted information, added Prom Seating info, expanded Prom Nominations info, added subheaders
- March 31: Initial publication
Older Information – April 28 and Before
Tickets will be sold online at the Keller ISD Webstore for $100 from Monday, April 5 to Friday, April 30, 2021. Click here for the link to the tickets:
There are no in person or cash sales available at this time.
Senior students will be allowed to bring one (1) guest to the dance. The minimum age level for guests is 9th grade and the maximum age limit is 20 years of age. Senior students planning to bring a non-TCHS student to the Prom must have the guest form filled out and returned by no later than Friday, April 23, 2021. Physical guest forms can be picked up outside room M 106 or in the north and south offices.
Click here to get a digital copy of the guest form:
Please note that we will be following any and all District protocols required by the Texas Education Agency, as well as those of the venue. According to TEA, our District safety protocols apply at any facility used for school activities, which includes Prom. At this time, those protocols include wearing masks, social distancing, and hand sanitizing. We are happy to share that we were able to book a larger space to accommodate the social distancing among our attendees.
There is currently no limit on tickets or attendees.
Masks are mandatory except when eating/drinking at a table.
Prom Seating
On Thursday, April 29th, students attending prom have the opportunity to buy reserved seats for the dinner and dance. Each table has 6 seats. There are very few tables that have 10 seats. Those tables are indicated on the form by a yellow highlight. Students can buy their reserved seat for $10. To guarantee a seat at a table with your friends/date, please fill out the Prom Reserved Seating Request Form. On the back of the request form is a diagram of how the tables will be laid out the night of the prom.
The form and verification of purchase (screenshot of receipt) for your desired seat/table is due no earlier than Thursday, April 29th at 7:00 a.m. and no later than April 30th at 3:00 p.m. Forms and money must be turned in via the Google Form. Physical forms can be picked up in the purple folder outside of M106 or at the senior bulletin board located outside the south office. Please only submit ONE prom reserved seating request form per table group.
Online payment will be the only payment method accepted. Please go to this link to purchase.
Q: Can my date and I just buy 2 seats at a table?
A: Yes. However, other students may purchase seats to sit at the same table as you or may sit at your table if there are open chairs.
Q: Are there enough seats for everyone who is attending prom?
A: Yes. Everyone is guaranteed a seat, but you are not likely to find seats for a group of friends together if you do not purchase a reserved seat or table with them.
Q: Do I have to buy a reserved seat?
A: No. Reserved seats are not required. If you do not purchase a seat, you will have to look for an open seat upon arrival at the dance that is not already reserved.
Q: What if I cannot submit the form by 7:00 a.m. Can I just turn it in at 6:30 a.m.. or the night before?
A: No. If you submit your form before 7:00 a.m. on April 29th, your request will not be looked at until all other senior table requests have been fulfilled. We are doing this by a first come, first served basis. Your forms will have a time stamp, so we know everyone’s place “in line.” If this time does not work well for you, please arrange with others in your group or a parent to have the responsibility of submitting the forms.
Q: Does everyone buying a table together need to turn in a form?
A: No. Please designate ONE person from your requested table group to submit one form and receipts of seat purchases.
Q: Can one person purchase all the seats at the table for the group so we do not have several receipts?
A: Yes! That would be awesome! Make sure the receipt has enough payment for each person at your table if you chose to do this. If there are missing payments, we can not fulfill your request until all payment is received.
Q: I would like a reserved seat, but I do not feel comfortable sitting next to others while I eat because of COVID. Can I buy empty seats around me so no one sits next to me?
A: Of course! You can purchase a whole table by yourself if you wish! Each seat is $10.
Q: If there is a large group of us that want several tables near each other, can we submit all of our requests and receipts in one form?
A: Sure! You can also add a comment on the form that you would like to sit near a certain group.
Q: What happens if I request a table of 10, but all of them have been taken by the time our form is seen?
A: You will be notified if this happens so you can plan to rearrange your tables of 6. If we cannot get a hold of someone from your table, we will place your group members at two adjacent tables.
Please direct all Prom questions to