While a new semester and a new year are beginning the same Timber Creek rules still apply.

Remember to bring your school issued id every single day, admin is still checking them for entry into the building. Those who forget their ID must go to the counseling office to get a replacement for $5.

Remember you must have a parking pass to be able to park on campus. Parking passes can be purchased in the south office for $50. Painted senior parking spots are reserved so make sure if the spot does not belong to you, that you are not parking in that spot.

Dress code is still enforced and it can be reviewed on the Keller ISD website.

Don’t forget passing periods are 6 minutes long. Coming to class after this time without a pass will be marked as a tardy. Three tardies equal one absence. Three unexcused absents disqualifies you from being exempt from finals.

Welcome Back Falcons, and have a great second semester!